Back To School: Eye Care Tips For Students


It’s that time of the year again. School holidays have come to an end, and students are back in the classrooms. Here are 9 tips for students (also useful for adults) when it comes to looking after your eyes.


Tips For Reading

1. Read in a room with good and even lighting.

reading a book

2. Have regular breaks when reading


Tips For UV Protection

3. The sun’s effects are strongest between 10am and 3pm. Use sensible sun protection measures during these times to reduce UV exposure

girl with hat

Tips For Screen Use

4. Avoid sitting in a dark room when using a computer

people on laptops

5. Minimise glare or reflections from lights and windows

women on laptop

6. Have the top of the computer/television screen approximately at or slightly below eye level

video games

7. Limit computer sessions to less than two hours

girl in school

Tips For Healthy Living

8. Include plenty of vegetable, fruits, nuts and fish containing antioxidants

healthy food

9. Encourage regular outdoor activity to help reduce the risk of myopia

boys playing soccer
